Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First post

Describe your mentor and the environment in the office you’re working.
It's like a house downstairs and upstairs.
Everyone has their own offices and there's a lunch room, a meeting room, storage room
and bathroom.

Describe your first thoughts when you arrived at your internship.
My first day in internship was kind of boring all I had to do was file papers and put them in order.

Describe your first day, from the first minute you arrived to the minute you left.

I did not do much just fixing piles of papers, but I used to go to my internship, before Internship started, I participated in group meeting. Where we talked about everything, because it's an organization for girls only.

What are your goals for internship? What knowledge do you hope to gain? What skills do you hope to gain?

My goals for internship is to get a chance to learn how to save money, and how to be a great secretary.

Describe the types of work you’ve been doing so far and any challenges you’ve had/

The kind of job I'm doing right now are fixing papers, making copy of books, participating girls meeting and faxing.