Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 5 and Beyond - Weekly Vocabulary Assignments Post Title: Weekly Vocabulary

Your internship sites are rich with new and unfamiliar terms or phrases. One of the goals of the internship is to further develop your English language proficiency. Once every two weeks, you are to publish a post about new vocabulary words or phrases that you have encountered or picked up "on the job." There is a template provided below for you to use each week. Your goal is at least five each post, totaling 20 by the end. Please give the word/phrase, what it means, and the context in which you came across it.

1. Word / Phrase: Prevaricator

Meaning: A person who speaks falsely; liar.

Context: Here I am, sitting in Internship class with Stephen on my left, Kevin on my right, studying for the SAT. There it was, prevaricator, on page 6 of the SAT guide.

2. Word / Phrase: Caustic

Capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue.

Context: I was reading something of the Internet about fire, and there I saw the word Caustic and with many other words too.

3. Word / Phrase: Acculturation

Meaning: The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.

Context: I was at the Internet and I type vocabulary words and there was a list of words I did not understand and I decided to take this one because it sounded professional.

4. Word / Phrase: Diachronic
Meaning: Studies at the development of a language over a period of time.

Context: I was on Google and I was taking a survey and I saw the word Diachronic and I look it in the dictionary, while I was doing my survey.

5. Word / Phrase: Abrogate

Meaning: To abolish, repeal.

Context: I was online again on the math SAT and I saw the word Abrogate and I looked it up on Google.

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